作者:孫會玲 劉梅 林夢曉 字數:2584
來源:安徽農業科學 2016年10期
摘要[目的]研究水解酸化—改性貽貝殼填料曝氣生物濾池(BAF)處理生活污水的效果。[方法]在不同磷含量條件下,分別以未改性貽貝殼及3種不同濃度檸檬酸改性貽貝殼為填料的曝氣生物濾池與水解酸化池組合對生活污水中COD、氨氮(NH3N)和總磷(TP)進行去除,并對4種貽貝殼BAF的去除效果進行比較。[結果]當磷含量為14.03~14.73 mg/L時, 1.0%檸檬酸改性貽貝殼為填料BAF對COD的去除效果最好,去除率最高可達90.11%;在2種不同磷濃度的條件下,4種貽貝殼BAF對NH3N均有很好的去除效果;當磷含量為2.26~2.61 mg/L時,1.0%檸檬酸改性貽貝殼為填料BAF對TP的去除效果最好,去除率最高可達91.89%。磷含量的提高可以在一定程度上促進COD和NH3N的去除,但TP的去除效率降低。[結論]4種貽貝殼填料BAF中,1.0%檸檬酸改性貽貝殼填料BAF對生活污水中COD、NH3N和TP去除效果最好。
關鍵詞曝氣生物濾池 (BAF);改性貽貝殼;生活污水;COD;NH3N;TP
Abstract[Objective] The aim was to study a hydrolytic acidificationmodified mussel shell used as packing media in biological aerated filter systems for domestic wastewater treatment.[Method] The performance of four hydrolytic acidification BAFs,with mussel shell and mussel shell modified by citric acid at 3 different concentrations as packing media respectively,was investigated to compare their effects for domestic wastewater treatment.The removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand(COD),ammonia nitrogen(NH3N) and total phosphorus(TP) in these four systems were observed under different phosphorus concentrations.[Result] The results showed that COD removal was best,the highest removal rate was up to 90.11%,at the condition of phosphorus concentration range was 14.03-14.73 mg/L,the BAF with mussel shell modified by 1.0% citric acid.Under 2 different phosphorus concentrations,BAF with 4 kinds of mussel shell had good removal effect on NH3N .When the phosphorus concentration range was 2.26-2.61 mg/L,TP removal in BAF with mussel shell modified by 1.0% citric acid was best,the highest removal rate was up to 91.89%.When TP concentration was increased,COD and NH3N removal were enhanced,but TP removal efficiency was reduced.[Conclusion] In general,the performance of BAF with mussel shell modified by 1.0% citric acid in COD,NH3N and TP removal is better than others.
Key wordsBiological aerated filter (BAF); Modified mussel shell; Domestic wastewater; COD; NH3N; TP
免費熱線:13662762314 余小姐
生活污水處理設備 m.ysejc.cn
垃圾滲濾液處理設備 www.dgszy.com
中水回用河水凈化 www.cunlei.net
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